Home Ecology Professor Jennifer Martiny Receives a Hypothesis Fund grant to explore how eco-evolutionary theory can shape the human gut microbiome.

Professor Jennifer Martiny Receives a Hypothesis Fund grant to explore how eco-evolutionary theory can shape the human gut microbiome.

Jennifer Martiny, Ph.D.

University of California, Irvine

Eco-evolutionary principles in the human gut microbiome

What does eco-evolutionary theory teach us about improving ecosystem functioning and productivity in the human gut microbiome? 

Scout note:

“Jen is taking a large creative leap to understand whether an important ecological and evolutionary principle that is well-established in soil environments also has relevance in human-associated microbiomes. If successful, her project could drive completely new approaches to microbiome assessment, and ultimately, lead to massive impacts on human health.”

— Rob Knight, Ph.D.

Martiny Lab

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