Faculty Directory

Nancy Aguilar-Roca
PhD, University of California, San Diego, 2000
Biology Education Research, Comparative Physiology
(adaptation to hypoxia, evolution of air-breathing)

Manny Azizi
Ph.D. University of Massachusetts, 2003
Muscle physiology
Muscle physiology

Peter Bowler
Ph.D. University of California, 1974
Conservation and restoration biology.
Conservation and restoration biology.

Matthew Bracken
Ph.D. Oregon State University, 2003
Causes and consequences of changes in biodiversity;
community and ecosystem ecology.
Causes and consequences of changes in biodiversity;
community and ecosystem ecology.

Adriana Briscoe
Ph.D. Harvard University, 1998
Evolution of sensory systems.
AAAS Fellow
Evolution of sensory systems.
AAAS Fellow

Nancy Tyler Burley
Ph.D. University of Texas, Austin, 1977
Behavioral ecology; sexual selection, social organization and
Behavioral ecology; sexual selection, social organization and

Diane Campbell
Ph.D. Duke University, 1983
Evolution in natural plant populations;
plant-pollinator interactions.
AAAS Fellow
Evolution in natural plant populations;
plant-pollinator interactions.
AAAS Fellow

Kwasi Connor
Ph.D., University of Southern California, 2012
Integrative Biology, Physiological Ecology, Marine Environmental
Biology, Aging Biology.
Integrative Biology, Physiological Ecology, Marine Environmental
Biology, Aging Biology.
*Beginning July 2019

Monica Daley
Ph.D. Harvard University, 2006
Comparative neuromuscular physiology and biomechanics of animal movement.
Comparative neuromuscular physiology and biomechanics of animal movement.

Donovan German
Ph.D. University of Florida, 2008
Ecological and nutritional physiology.
Ecological and nutritional physiology.

James Hicks
Ph.D. University of New Mexico, 1984
Comparative physiology of circulation and gas exchange;
activity physiology.
AAAS Fellow
Comparative physiology of circulation and gas exchange;
activity physiology.
AAAS Fellow

Travis Huxman
PhD University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2000
Physiological Ecology, Plant Ecology, Ecohydrology,
Global Change Biology.
Ecological Society of America Fellow
Director, Center for Environmental Biology
Physiological Ecology, Plant Ecology, Ecohydrology,
Global Change Biology.
Ecological Society of America Fellow
Director, Center for Environmental Biology

Catherine Loudon
Ph.D. Duke University, 1986
Biomechanics and insect physiology.
Center for Organismal Biology.
Biomechanics and insect physiology.
Center for Organismal Biology.

Deborah Lutterschmidt
Ph.D. Oregon State University, 2006
Environmental physiology, Behavioral endocrinology, and Comparative neurobiology.
Environmental physiology, Behavioral endocrinology, and Comparative neurobiology.

Matt McHenry
Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, 2002
Hydrodynamics and mechanoreception of aquatic animals.
Hydrodynamics and mechanoreception of aquatic animals.

Kailen Mooney
Ph.D. University of Colorado, Boulder, 2004
Community ecology, evolutionary ecology, community genetics, plant-insect interactions.
Community ecology, evolutionary ecology, community genetics, plant-insect interactions.

Ann Sakai
Ph.D. University of Michigan, 1978
Plant population biology; evolution of plant reproductive systems.
AAAS Fellow
Plant population biology; evolution of plant reproductive systems.
AAAS Fellow

Cascade Sorte
Ph.D. University of California, Davis, 2010
Global change ecology; marine ecophysiology; invasion biology.
Global change ecology; marine ecophysiology; invasion biology.

Stephen Weller
Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, 1975
Plant population biology, evolution of plant reproductive systems.
AAAS Fellow
Plant population biology, evolution of plant reproductive systems.
AAAS Fellow