Program Information
The undergraduate major in ecology and evolutionary biology is designed for those students interested in the basic principles underlying organismal change over time, and how organisms interact with each other and their environment. The major is very diverse, and encompasses a wide variety of approaches. Courses cover topics in molecular biology, physiology, population and community biology, and ecosystem-level processes.

University Requirements
There are four groups of requirements that must be met to earn a baccalaureate degree from UCI: general UC requirements; UC Irvine requirements, including the General Education (GE) requirement; school or program requirements; and degree-specific requirements.
UC Requirements
- English (UC Entry Level Writing)
- American History and Institutions
UC Irvine Requirements
- Minimum of 180 quarter units
- Average GPA of 2.0
- Residence requirement
- General education (GE) requirement
- First-year integrated program (FIP)
Learn more about UC and UC Irvine requirements in greater detail by visiting the UC Irvine Catalogue.
School and Major Requirements
In addition to University and Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences Requirements, requirements for the major include:
- Dunlop School 2E – Topics and Careers in Ecology and Evolution
- Dunlop School 4B – Introduction to Field Biology
- Statistics (Formerly Bio 7, this course will now be offered by the statistics department).
- E106 – Processes in Ecology and Evolution
E106 Processes in Ecology and Evolution is a prerequisite for nearly all upper division courses in the major and should be taken as soon as feasible. This course is now offered twice a year, in the fall and spring, which should provide majors with flexibility in scheduling. E106 could be taken as early as the spring of the freshman year, after completion of Bio 93 and 94. - E107 – Seminar in Ecology
Majors are also required to enroll in E107, Seminar in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, where invited speakers present current research in ecology and evolutionary biology. - E201 – Seminar in Ecology and Evolution
- E115L – Evolution Laboratory
Students carry out experiments demonstrating key concepts in evolution. - E166LW – Field Methods in Ecology
Students participate in class field experiments and design their own independent field research project. Field Ecology is also an upper division writing class. - 1 Lab
One other lab, selected from an extensive list (E106L, E112L, E131L, E140L, E160L, E179L, E186L), is also required for the major.
One laboratory can be satisfied with completion of Excellence in Research in the Biological Sciences. - 3 Upper Division Biology Electives
Three four-unit courses must be chosen from Biological Sciences E118-E190. - Dunlop School 199
Minimum one quarter of independent study, usually BIO SCI 199 Independent Study in Biological Sciences Research
Students enrolled in Biological Sciences 199 participate in research under the direction of faculty. Independent research often culminates in Excellence in Research, which involves preparation of a research paper, a poster, and participation in a symposium where students present their work to faculty and other students.
BIO SCI 197 Special Study in Biological Sciences can be substituted.
Students interested in the Major in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology should also be sure to check the most recent version of the General Catalog for any changes in course offerings, and additional details about the major.