Department Events Calendar

This calendar includes various events such as department seminars, community forum, symposia, writing group, coffee hour, happy hour, etc.
Please email Marissa Reyes at for requests to post events on the calendar.


Requesting a Room Reservation

EEB faculty, graduate students and staff can request a room for an event or meeting. Click on the Room Number below to see its availability.

Please note some rooms have limited availability.

Dunlop School 3

Room Department Contact
3011 Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
3013 Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Steinhaus Hall

Room Department Contact
267 Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
329 Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
351 Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Shared Resources and Facilities

Resource Name Brief Description Location and/or Point of Contact
Shared Lab Space in McGaugh Contains gel doc, centrifuge, water purification system Prof. Tony Long,
Greenhouse Space and assistance caring for plants used in research Prof. Celia Louise Faiola,
Plant Growth Chambers Temperature and light controlled chambers for growing plants. Multiple sizes/models are available. Reserve space at this link or email the point of contact for questions. Steinhaus Hall basement
Prof. Celia Louise Faiola, or Javier Rodarte,
Drying Ovens Multiple sizes and models of drying ovens are available for EEB use Steinhaus Hall basement
Julie Coffey,
Herbarium The University of California, Irvine Herbarium (IRVC) was established in 1965, and is one of seven herbaria within the University of California campuses. IRVC holds ca. 35,000 vascular plant collections from the western United States, especially southern California and Orange County, and Baja California, Mexico. Rebecca Crowe,
Lab/Field Teaching Equipment Equipment that can be checked out for teaching or research Jennifer Long,
UC Irvine Nature Assistance with field site information and access for conducting field research Megan Lulow,
Center for Environmental Biology (CEB) Helps link academic research with applied ecosystem management practices Sarah Kimball,
UC Irvine Environmental Collaboratory (EnCo) Links academic research with application, promotes immersion in nature, facilitates public outreach Sarah Kimball,
Histology Equipment for processing and sectioning tissues for histological analysis Deborah Lutterschmidt,
Microbial Resources Resources and services for microbial research
Social event supplies Tables, coolers, chairs, etc. available for checkout Marie Navas,
Mass spectrometry core facility User facility with a range of analytical equipment, primarily for metabolomics and proteomics analysis 1002 Reines Hall, Dr. Felix Grun,
UCANR sites UC sites for agricultural and natural research, assistance and space growing plants nearest is South Coast Research and Extension Center, 7601 Irvine Blvd, Irvine, CA 92618; Darren Haver
Physical Sciences Machine Shop Building something and need help? Ask the machine shop! B012 Reines Hall, Mark Steinborn,
Machine Shop operated by Facilities Another option for accessing machining equipment or getting help with a design and/or build 137 Engineering Tower, Tyler Schuldt,
Genomics Research and Technology Hub Library construction and high throughput sequencing 340 Sprague Hall, UCI, 839 Health Sciences Road, Melanie Oakes,
Various research core facilities From imaging to computing to stem cells and more. Various locations, follow the link for more information
3D printing Produce custom parts with 3D printing 4100 Calit2 Building

Click here for General Room Reservations. Contact Marie Navas to reserve a room.

For Ford Truck availability click here

For Jeep availability click here

For Projector availability click here

For Steinhaus Hall 140 Equipment check out click here