Dr. Danielle Ignace – University of British Columbia
Dr. Danielle Ignace, Assistant Professor, Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences, University of British Columbia "Amplifying Indigenous voices in invasive species and climate change adaptation" Host: Steve Allison Seminars are via Zoom on Fridays at 3pm except on Dec. 3 at 11am For more information and the Zoom link, please contact Matt Bracken (m.bracken@uci.edu)
Dr. Christopher Schell – UC Berkeley
Dr. Christopher Schell, Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, UC Berkeley "Urban ecology" Host: Jessica Pratt Seminars are via Zoom on Fridays at 3pm except on Dec. 3 at 11am For more information and the Zoom link, please contact Matt Bracken (m.bracken@uci.edu)
Dr. Nikki Traylor-Knowles – University of Miami
Dr. Nikki Traylor-Knowles, Assistant Professor, Department Marine Biology and Ecology, University of Miami "Cnidarian immunity" Host: Matt Bracken Seminars are via Zoom on Fridays at 3pm except on Dec. 3 at 11am For more information and the Zoom link, please contact Matt Bracken (m.bracken@uci.edu)
Dr. Li Zhao from Rockefeller University-“The origin and evolution of genetic and functional innovation.”
Dr. Li Zhao from Rockefeller University-"The origin and evolution of genetic and functional innovation." Li has been using cutting-edge single-cell -omics methods to answer fundamental questions in evolutionary genetics. Her profile could be found here https://www.rockefeller.edu/our-scientists/heads-of-laboratories/1157-li-zhao/ Li will be giving the seminar virtually. Many of us will watch her seminar together in Nature Science 1, Room...
Dr. Sasha Wright, Assistant Professor, California State University Los Angeles – “Diversity creates a new environment: facilitation and biodiversity-ecosystem functioning research”
Dr. Sasha Wright, Assistant Professor, California State University Los Angeles - "Diversity creates a new environment: facilitation and biodiversity-ecosystem functioning research" Zoom meeting: https://uci.zoom.us/j/95489177481?pwd=U3BsWkJoU3NFeGJHZVB5bjBqNkJUZz09 Meeting ID: 954 8917 7481 Passcode: EEB2022
Dr. Emily Choy, Postdoctoral Fellow, McGill University – “Marine predators as sentinel species species for monitoring ecosystem change”
Dr. Emily Choy, Postdoctoral Fellow, McGill University - "Marine predators as sentinel species species for monitoring ecosystem change" Zoom meeting https://uci.zoom.us/j/95489177481?pwd=U3BsWkJoU3NFeGJHZVB5bjBqNkJUZz09 Meeting ID: 954 8917 7481 Passcode: EEB2022
CANCELED: Molly Schumer – FoE invited speaker next Tuesday (5/10) at 4pm
natural sciences 1 1114 Natural Sciences 1, Ring Road, Irvine, CA, United StatesDear EEB community, We will have our second invited external speaker for the FoE series next Tuesday (5/10) at 4pm. Dr. Molly Schumer from Stanford University will talk to us about "The genetic architecture, evolution, and development of a lethal hybrid incompatibility." Dr. Schumer's profile can be found here https://schumerlab.com/ Dr. Shumer will be giving the...
Spring Poster Session Today! (And EEBGSS Tomorrow!)
natural sciences 1 1114 Natural Sciences 1, Irvine, CA, United StatesEEBGSS program Hello EEB Community, The Spring Poster Session is today! The poster session will be at 3 - 4pm in NS1114. There will be lots of great research and research ideas on display and plenty of delicious snacks available. And don't forget, EEBGSS is tomorrow from 9:00am ~ 3pm in HIB 135. We'll start with a light breakfast...
Dr. Joey Bernhardt, Hutchinson Postdoctoral Fellow, Yale University – “Towards a mechanistic science of global change: from cells to ecosystems and human well-being”
Dr. Joey Bernhardt, Hutchinson Postdoctoral Fellow, Yale University - "Towards a mechanistic science of global change: from cells to ecosystems and human well-being" Zoom meeting https://uci.zoom.us/j/95489177481?pwd=U3BsWkJoU3NFeGJHZVB5bjBqNkJUZz09 Meeting ID: 954 8917 7481 Passcode: EEB2022
Dr. Jessica Hernandez, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington – “Healing indigenous landscapes through indigenous science”
Dr. Jessica Hernandez, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington - "Healing indigenous landscapes through indigenous science" Zoom meeting https://uci.zoom.us/j/95489177481?pwd=U3BsWkJoU3NFeGJHZVB5bjBqNkJUZz09 Meeting ID: 954 8917 7481 Passcode: EEB2022