Biological Science 199 – Undergraduate Research
Participation in Undergraduate Research (Biological Science 199) is strongly encouraged for all majors in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Students enrolled in Bio. Sci. 199 engage in laboratory or field research under the direction of individual professors. One to five credits may be taken per quarter, and the course may be repeated for credit. In consultation with their faculty sponsor, students develop a research topic, and prepare an abstract which must be filed with the. Descriptions of research conducted by faculty and requirements for individual labs are available at the website maintained by the Biological Sciences Student Affairs.

Students enrolled in Bio. Sci. 199 are strongly encouraged to participate in the Excellence in Research Program which involves preparation of a paper and a poster, and an oral presentation to faculty. Students awarded Excellence in Research will have their papers published in the Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences Journal Of Undergraduate Research In The Biological Sciences. In many labs, students coauthor papers based on their research that appear in scientific journals.
Participation in Bio. Sci. 199 gives students the opportunity to directly participate in research, and interact extensively with faculty. Research experience is especially valuable for students with interests in graduate school or professional programs because it provides insight into approaches essential in these disciplines. Students engaged in research also have the opportunity to interact with other students with similar interests and career goals.
UCI’s Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP)
Research opportunities are available on campus with every discipline, interdisciplinary program, and school, and with many off-campus laboratories, industrial partners, and other universities. Discover the unique and valuable benefits of undergraduate research through UROP!